Renewable Energy applications, advantages.

BIOGAS- A Modern Form Of Bioenergy

Anaerobic digestion of organic matter forms the biogas. This is a sequence of processes in which microbes in the absence of oxygen break down the biodegradable wastes. It has advantages in both industrial areas as well as for domestic purposes. In other words, it is very much beneficial in managing waste, and in producing fuels. Biogas is one of the advanced forms of bioenergy. The anaerobic digestion of different biomass sources produces it. These can…

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Invest In Solar To Earn ROI| ZERO Power

Today, solar energy makes sense not only in terms of the environment, but also financially. The question is: how much can you actually save (and earn) with a corresponding investment? ZERO Power is convinced that solar energy will be one of the main energy sources of the future. Since the price of solar-energy systems has fallen drastically over the years, they are now also worthwhile in financial terms. Your Solar Power ROI : What…

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Small Solar Products for Rural Areas

There is no doubt, the development is taking place at a great pace. Yet, we cannot ignore the fact that rural life is somewhat challenging due to lack of resources and improper infrastructure. For example, improper lighting systems. Keeping this in mind, ZERO Power has introduced small solar products for rural areas so that people can live their life with comfort and ease. Opposing every myth negating the utilization of solar energy, products at…

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Why Solar Energy is Not Widely Used in India?

Although it is amazing that solar energy can easily be converted into electrical energy & has too many advantages, it still is not relevant home-to-home. It is also like a renewable energy source that causes no pollution and even doesn’t make use of any fossil fuels. Yet, India does not widely use solar power. Let’s find out why! Cost of Solar Energy- “Solar Power cost is too high and extremely expensive” is the biggest…

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Why Electric Vehicles will change the way we Commute?

Since a decade the pollution has remarkably increased with increased transportation and urbanization. Today we use vehicles for almost everything. From going office, to long road trips to even going to a neighborhood coffee shop, we travel by transport. This has caused an immense increase in CO2 in our atmosphere putting all our health at stake. There is an alarming need to curb carbon footprint and green gas effect. That has made many automobile…

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Advantages of Solar Water Pump

India is an agriculture-based country. For irrigation, we need some devices. Of course, these devices will run on diesel and electricity. But the prices of diesel and electricity are rising day by day. So why not think of some good alternative? It is high time to use some renewable source of energy. Let's start by solar power for watering purposes. Solar water pumps will be the best alternative. For rural areas, this will be…

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How to Use Renewable Sources of Energy

In this article, we’ll talk about renewable energy and its types. Firstly, let’s understand what a source of renewable energy actually is. Fossil fuels emit power that deplete after a certain amount of time due given vigorous use. For example, as petroleum is a non-renewable energy; the sun can be considered as the source of renewable energy. It is no secret that the term “alternative energy” is also source of renewable energy. In other…

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Why Solar ??

Currently, Global warming is one of the major issues faced by the people on this planet. The issue is rising at a fast pace, people have started preferring renewable sources over non-renewable sources of energy, which is considered to be the prime reason behind Global Warming since the 1850s. Renewable energy sources generate their power from natural sources like the sun, water, wind, etc. They emit less or no harmful gases, thereby it will…

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Is Renewable Energy Beneficial?

Global Warming has been one of the major issues which the world has faced since the pre-industrial period (between 1850-1900). Since the pre-industrial period, human activities are considered to be the main reason behind the increment of the Earth’s global average temperature by 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) and the number has been constantly increasing by 0.2 degree Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade. The emissions which are responsible for global warming are…

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